TSArchi is a TypeScript-based utility for parsing .archimate files and manipulating the contained ArchiMate models.
GithubCDE (Cloud Development Environments) presentation
Github | HomepageConvert C4 diagrams in PlantUML to Draw.io
Github | HomepageGenerating OpenApi specifications and API management policies from Azure Logic App Standard
GithubBehavior Driven Development Presentation using Gherkin
Github | HomepageThis is a dockerized version of the JMeter tool. Nothing more, nothing less.
GithubThis is a dockerized version of the ansible-lint tool. Nothing more, nothing less.
GithubAnsible playbooks for bootstraping a linux development machine
GithubDockerized SonarQube Scanner
GithubPacker script for building CentOS Vagrant and Docker image
GithubThis packages makes it simple to work with ANSI color codes in you console
Github | HomepageImageMagick wrapper with method chaining.
Github | HomepageSimple active record implementation
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